Tested workflows

To ensure that workflows are useful for system design purposes, they need to represent real user experiences, and the actual steps that users will take in interacting with the system. These workflows represent some of the foundational activities required to create, access, and maintain an electric network. The contents of the workflows were defined by working with experienced staff and Esri customer feedback to identify the specific steps, sequencing and type of activities involved in each workflow.

Developing a workflow as a detailed, stand-alone set of steps allows them to be repeated, iterated on to tweak operations, or adjusted to improve performance or user experience. Once each workflow is clearly defined, it is used consistently throughout the remainder of testing to establish the performance baseline and conduct load tests. If your organization does not have clearly documented, standard workflows with individual steps defined, consider using these workflows as a starting point that can be adjusted based on your needs.

This implementation of the Network Management System’s reference architecture was load tested for the following nine (9) electric utility workflows:

These workflows support both editor and general user user personas.


Editors perform edit operations on the data, either editing attributes and geometry on single records or editing attributes in bulk. Editors may range in expertise and overall comfort with technology and may also perform edits in the office or in the field.

Load management

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs for the redirection of load from one circuit to another.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Locate (MVC-1)
  3. Zoom to selection
  4. Create and change version
  5. Edit attributes
  6. Locate (MVC-2)
  7. Validate Topology (version)
  8. Save
  9. Run Trace
  10. Locate (MVC-1 for Trace)
  11. Run Trace
  12. Update Subnetwork (network 1)
  13. Update Subnetwork (network 2)
  14. Reconcile
  15. Post
  16. Change version to default
  17. Validate topology (default)
  18. Update Subnetwork (network 1 default)
  19. Update Subnetwork (network 1 default)

New service with existing feature

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs to add a new customer service connection from an existing transformer.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Login and open project​​
  3. Locate
  4. Zoom to selection
  5. Create and change version
  6. Create service meter
  7. Enter containment mode
  8. Create connection object
  9. Exit containment mode
  10. Modify associations
  11. Validate topology (version)
  12. Save
  13. Trace
  14. Reconcile
  15. Post
  16. Change version to default
  17. Validate topology (default)

New service with new feature

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs to add a new customer service connection with a new pole, transformer, etc.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Locate
  3. Zoom to selection
  4. Create and change version
  5. Create distribution FE owned
  6. Create distribution pole-other
  7. Split
  8. Create electric attachment
  9. Create overhead single phase conductor
  10. Create electric attachment
  11. Create overhead single phase transformer
  12. Enter containment mode
  13. Create overhead
  14. Exit containment mode
  15. Create service meter
  16. Enter containment mode
  17. Create connection object
  18. Exit containment mode
  19. Modify associations
  20. Validate topology (version)
  21. Save
  22. Trace
  23. Reconcile
  24. Post
  25. Change version to default
  26. Validate topology (default)

Update asset

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs to move an asset or update attributes of an asset.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Locate
  3. Zoom to selection
  4. Create and change version
  5. Modify feature
  6. Update attributes
  7. Validate topology (version)
  8. Save
  9. Reconcile
  10. Post
  11. Change version to default
  12. Validate topology

Electric tracing

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs to perform an upstream protective trace and a downstream customer trace.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Locate ​
  3. Zoom to selection​
  4. Run Upstream trace​
  5. Run Downstream trace

Phase management

This workflow represents the set of tasks an editor persona performs to move a service to a different phase.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Pro and open project
  2. Locate
  3. Zoom to selection
  4. Create and change version
  5. Edit attribute
  6. Validate topology (version)
  7. Update subnetwork (version)
  8. Reconcile
  9. Post
  10. Change version to default
  11. Validate topology (default)
  12. Update subnetwork (default)

General User

General users are typically considered “viewers” within the system, and primarily discover and use content created by others within the organization.

Query assets

This workflow represents the set of tasks a general user persona would perform in a web application to identify and view assets of a certain type or by a set of attributes.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise
  2. Open web application
  3. Open query builder
  4. Enter query criteria
  5. Run the query
  6. Zoom to results

View assets

This workflow represents the set of tasks a general user persona would perform in a web application to view and search for a specific device within the network.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise
  2. Open web application
  3. Enter device ID in search box​
  4. Select result from suggestions​
  5. Zoom​ to device

Summarize assets

The steps below represent a use case where an ArcGIS Dashboard is open on a screen and refreshes every 30 seconds.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise
  2. Open dashboard​
    • Dashboard is accessed continuously ​
    • Layers are set to refresh every 30 seconds