Providing feedback

This website will only continue to thrive with your valuable feedback – on the contents, the usefulness of the system patterns, the relevance of the architecture practices, and the articles and documents provided in the Library. Feedback can be provided in several ways:

  • Page-specific suggestions or feedback can be provided on each page. Similar to other ArcGIS product documentation, use the Tell us what you think link and fill out the form to send this feedback directly to the Architecture Center team.
  • Site-wide feedback can also be provided by using the “Tell us what you think” link from the main website homepage.
  • Members of the team responsible for building this content are contributors to Esri’s major customer conferences and events, so you might find a chance to share feedback or ideas in that forum if appropriate.
  • You can also share feedback on additional topics or suggestions with your Esri Account Team, who may be able to provide additional context to add to the request or suggestion.